Another Way To Worship

Kyle Dillard   -  


I pray you are having a wonderful week of hearing, seeing, and experiencing the Lord in powerful ways. I thank God for all you, and for your faithfulness to the kingdom of God here at Mission City Church.

This week I am starting a series in the book of Galatians. It has been described by some as Paul’s fighting Epistle. Some of the things Paul is dealing with in this letter are very similar to what we are dealing with right now. 

Paul is consumed with the gospel. He’s been called to preach Christ crucified for our sins, and resurrected on the third day for the glory of God the Father. He believed this so strongly that it cost him his life. In the next few weeks we will see why Paul is so passionate about it, and why it matters just as much today as when he wrote it 2,000 years ago.

I also want to give you a quick update and encouragement about our finances. We are a little under in our giving for this year as it relates to last year.

Why does that matter?

Covid has changed a lot of things about churches and how we worship. A majority of churches have seen a decrease in attendance, just as we have. Many churches have seen a drastic decrease in giving. We have not seen this, and we praise God for it. But in the last year and a half of Covid, we have seen our numbers flatline or decrease by a small amount compared to previous years.

I just wanted to encourage you to remember how important tithing is as it pertains to worship. Worship is a big deal for God, and tithing is a big part of it. It’s a big deal for me and my family. Tithing is one of our favorite things to do. I know most of you tithe faithfully, and I just wanted to remind you of its importance.  

For all of you who don’t tithe, you are missing out on a big piece of worship. I encourage you to try it, and get it into the rhythm of your life as a follower of Jesus. If you aren’t able to attend services, you can still tithe online through Pushpay or send your tithe to the church by mail.

In October we will have Vision Night, when the elders and I will give more details on finances. We’ll have a date for that soon.

See you all Sunday.