A Cheerful Giver
One of my favorite things to do is to give financially. Since the day Teresa and I were married, we have held this as a high value in our family. I can tell stories of God’s faithfulness because of it, but equally as important is the joy we’ve found in doing it. Here’s what God says about giving:
2 Corinthians 9:7
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
I’m not sure where your family is with giving, but consider this: it’s not about the money. Read that again if you need to. It’s not about the money. It’s about worship. God made the trees that we use to make money, so He’s not worried about the dollar bills. He wants to see us live a life that He describes as cheerful.
The Bible says we are supposed to bring to God the first fruits of our labor. When we give God what He’s commanded – a portion, or ten percent of our labor – we communicate our trust in Him, our faith to Him, and our worship of Him.
Living in the the evil times we find ourselves in these days, not many people are currently joyful, cheerful, peaceful, or fulfilled. Most are fearful and hopeless. For us as believers to be generous in our giving communicates a great level of trust and faith in God. I believe it with all my heart and I’ve put this into practice since the first day I had my first fruit of labor.
I made $100 helping some roofers when I was 15 years old. I tithed $10 of it. (I also quit that job because it was too hard.) Giving to God in worship and thankfulness has always been a priority for me. Make it a priority for you and your family. I know you’ll find tithing to bring joy and satisfaction if you do it and it becomes a habit for you. I understand that trusting God is sometimes hard, but it’s always good and satisfying. Aim at being the cheerful giver that God loves. It’ll change your life. I promise.
I love all ya’ll and I’ll see you Sunday,